CISC 7340: Parallel and Distributed Systems
Section: W6 W 6:05 - 8:10 pm
Dr. Paula Whitlock
1212N Phone: 718-951-5657
Office Hours:
5:00 - 6:00 PM
A survey of the applications and implementations of parallelism in existing and proposed computing systems.
Flynn's classification of computers. Multiprocessor systems, array processors, vector machines, computer clusters
and web-computing. Languages for parallel and distributed systems. Operating system issues. Notations expressing
concurrency. The semantics of concurrency. Verification rules. Standard problems.
Required Textbooks:
Gerassimos Barlas, Multicore and GPU Programming, Morgan Kaufman, 2015.
There will be weekly or biweekly assignments in reading and exercises from the text. Exercises to be handed in
will be due one week from the assignment date.
There will be one exam scheduled during the semester, perhaps some quizzes
and a final exam at the end. If an exam cannot be taken at the scheduled
time, you are responsible for notifying the instructor before the exam
is given. If you cannot reach the instructor, please leave a message with
the CIS Department Secretary at 951-5657.
Each student will be expected to carry out simple distributed/parallel computations on the different systems
investigated this semester. One of the projects will be used as the basis for a final paper which will serve
as an exam in the class. The computer programs used to perform the computations will be written in C. Some of
the source code will be given out in class. Accounts will be arranged on various parallel and distributed computer systems.
Mid-term exam
Project Write-up 25%
Assignments 25%
Final exam
Attendance Policy:
Although attendance is not mandatory, you are responsible for whatever is done in class, whether or not you are there. In particular, you are responsible for all topics not covered in the textbook which are discussed in class. If a class must be missed it would be advisable to arrange in advance that another student photocopy his/her notes for you.