Core Studies 5.1: Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between Core 5.1 and Core 5?

    Core 5 is a 3-credit, 3-hour course that provides an introduction to both mathematical reasoning and computer science. The course is offered jointly by the Math and Computer Science departments. Some sections of the course are taught by faculty from the Math department, some sections of the course are taught by faculty from the Computer Science department. The Core 5 course is being phased out, and is to be replaced by two 1.5 credit courses: Core 5.1 and Core 5.2. Core 5.1 is a computer science course and Core 5.2 is a mathematics course. Each of these courses is 1.5 credits, 1 hour lecture and 1 hour lab.

  • If I already took Core 5, do I have to take Core 5.1 also?

    No. If you already took Core 5, then you have already satisfied the Core math/computer science requirement.

  • Does Core 5.1 teach Pascal or BASIC?

    Neither. Core 5.1 is a different course than Core 5. Core 5.1 focusses on the Internet. It introduces HTML to produce Web pages and uses JavaScript to illustrate programming concepts.